Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The three Fs

The three F below reminds me of someone I used to be, means no longer..... :p

FIGHT. When you found something you really wanted to treasure, you have to fight for it. Something worth fighting for is something worth having. If you are not willing to fight for something, then you better forget about your desire to have it. Special case, if you realized that it is not what you really desire, you are free to leave the fight at any moment.

FINISH. When you have something that was worth the fight, you have to keep it until the finish line. When you manage to have it (after the fight, maybe), it doesn’t mean everything ends. Otherwise, that’s where everything starts. Keeping something is much harder than achieving something. Special case, if in the middle you realize that you don’t want it that much, you are free to leave it behind, and purchase your finish line while searching for a new one.

FAITH. Whatever the result is, whether you managed to bring “the thing” to the finish line, or you end up alone in front of the finish line, faith is a thing you have to keep. The process itself is heavily affected by your faith. If you want to keep the thing, you have to have a faith in it. If you want to throw it away, you have to have faith in yourself, that you will eventually find a better one. If you didn’t manage to get any better one, you still have to have a faith in yourself that you are good enough to end the race, alone.

Why am i putting this topic up?

Well, i just simply thought that i failed someone’s expectation, related to this. Am i being melancholic? Yeah maybe i just simply end up deserting myself.

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